IRB Crew Certificate

The aim of this course is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to effectively crew an Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) in surf rescue operations.

The following nationally recognised units of competency are issued upon completion of this award:

  • PUASAR015A Crew small powercraft in a rescue operation


Candidates must meet ALL of the following conditions:

  • be at least 15 years of age on the date of final assessment
  •  be currently proficient in Bronze Medallion (and hold the Certificate II in Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue))

Assessment conditions:

Candidates for this award can be assessed by IRB Assessors from their own club, who have not been involved in the training.  A minimum of 2 Assessors are required with an Assessor to Candidate ratio of 1:6 for larger groups.

For more detailed information on this award, download a copy of the course syllabus here.

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