Silver Medallion Basic Beach Management

Silver Medallion Beach Management
The aim of this course is to provide participants with the skills, knowledge and experience required to manage a beach and a team in emergency and non-emergency situations. The course is aimed at people wishing to be Patrol Captains, Lifeguards and Lifeguard Supervisors.
The following nationally recognised units of competency are issued upon completion of this award:
·         PUATEA002B Work autonomously
·         PUAOPE027A Undertake beach safety management activities
·         BSBFLM312C Contribute to team effectiveness
These units form a part of the nationally recognised qualification PUA31312 Certificate III in Public Safety (Aquatic Search and Rescue).
Candidates must meet ALL of the following conditions:
·         have a minimum of 20 patrol hours logged on SurfGuard
·         be at least 17 years of age on the date of final assessment
·         hold the Bronze Medallion award and the Certificate II in Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue)
·         be proficient in ONE of the following:
–         Bronze Medallion
–         Radio Operator
–         Advanced Resuscitation Techniques
–         First Aid
–         Spinal Management
This course includes practical scenarios where candidates may be expected to use radios to communicate.  Candidates should ensure they have refreshed their knowledge of radio use and pro-words before attending the course
For more detailed information on this award, download a copy of the course Silver Medallion Beach Management Course Syllabus

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