Starting In SLS Education

The following table outlines who can train the awards we commonly teach in our Branch.  See below for more information on how to become a Training Officer, Assessor or Facilitator.

Award: Course Run by: TAF Endorsement Required:
Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC) Club and SNB Surf Life Saving School * Training Officer SRC and
Training Officer Bronze Medallion
Radio Operator Certificate Club and SNB Surf Life Saving School Training Officer Bronze Medallion
Bronze Medallion Club Training Officer Bronze Medallion
Advanced Resuscitation Techniques [AID] Club & Branch Training Officer ART [AID] and
Facilitator ART [AID]
IRB Crew Club Training Officer IRB
Silver Medallion IRB Driver Club Training Officer IRB
Silver Medallion Beach Management Branch Facilitator Beach Management
Silver Medallion Aquatic Rescue Branch Facilitator SMAR
Silver Medallion Rescue Water Craft Branch Training Officer RWC and
Facilitator RWC
First Aid [AID] SLSNSW, First Aid Plus and other RTOs n/a
Junior Education Awards eg. Surf Play 1 Club Age Managers
Officials and Coaching Courses SLSNSW Contact at the Branch office for more information.

SLS Training Officers

To become a Surf Life Saving endorsed Training Officer of any surf lifesaving award, members must first complete the Training Officer Certificate course. Detailed information on how to become a Training Officer can be found here  Endorsed Training Officer Pathway

SLS Assessors

Assessor courses are currently unavailable until further notice due to changes within the SLSNSW Registered Training Organisation.

  1. TAEASS401B         Plan Assessment Activities and Processes
  2. TAEASS402B         Assess Competence
  3. TAEASS403B         Participate in Assessment Validation

Currently, members wishing to attain these units will need to do a course through an external training provider.

While being an endorsed Training Officer is not a specific pre-requisite of becoming an endorsed Assessor in that award, the Sydney Northern Beaches Branch prefers that Assessors are first endorsed as Training Officers and have been actively training members in that award for at least 1 season.

Members who have attained the above units of competency externally must  apply to the BoE to become Probationary Assessors. This application can be via email or letter but must be in writing from their Club to the Director of Education and include their statement of attainment for the above units. All Probationary Assessors will be minuted at the BoE meeting. The Director will assign Probationary Assessors with Mentors who will oversee their probationary period.


Members who wish to become a Facilitator for our Branch must hold the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.  Please speak to your Club’s Chief Training Officer and/or the Branch Director of Education for further information.

Trainer, Assessor & Facilitator (TAF) Re-endorsement

Training Officers must apply to re-endorse every 2 years. Assessors and Facilitators must apply for re-endorsement on an annual basis.

Detailed info on the re-endorsement requirements are provided to TAFs by SLSNSW each year. TAFs seeking re-endorsement after some absence should contact the Branch office for advice.

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