Barry Antella OAM

Barry Antella OAM – Queenscliff SLSC

Barry joined Queenscliff Surf Life Saving Club in 1974.  He was active as a patron and maintained club equipment and property of the club. Barry gained  his Bronze Medallion in 1994 and now holds over 80 Lifesaving awards.

Barry was elected as Chief Instructor for Queenscliff SLSC in the 2001-2002 season and continued on in this role until 2007. During this time some 2,600 awards were processed, a record number of awards for the Club. Barry became Club Captain in 2007 and held that role for 5 years.  He supervised the renovation of the Club training room and the construction of the Lifeguard room to accommodate the Council Lifeguards. The Training and Education room at Queenscliff SLSC is named the “Barry Antella Training Room” in dedication to the enormous amount of work Barry did.

Barry joined the SNB Board of Examiners in 1994 and since gaining his Bronze has been involved as a Trainer and Assessor at Club and Branch Level.  He is well known throughout the 21 SNB Clubs as a person who will assist in training or make himself available to assess a squad whenever and wherever required. He has also been involved in the competition side of Surf Life Saving as a competitor and an Official in the First Aid, Patrol Competition and Champion Lifesaver areas. In 2015 Barry took on the role of area referee at Branch/State and National levels in these disciplines.

Barry has deservedly been honoured with many awards; SNB Distinguished Service Award in 1999, SNB Life Membership award in 2007, SNB Examiner of the Year in 2001, SNB Examiner of the Year in 2002, Harry Ragan Outstanding Service Award in 2003, Surf Life Saving New South Wales Training Officer of the Year in 2003 and Commonwealth Sports Achievement award in 2003.

You would be hard-pressed to find a more dedicated volunteer than surf lifesaver Barry Antella, he has devoted close to 50 years to his beloved Club. He was honoured with a Medal of the Order of Australia in 2015 in recognition to his contribution to not only Queenscliff Surf Lifesaving Club but Surf Life Saving.

Barry was awarded SNB Life Membership in 2007.


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