Lorelle Kinsey

Lorelle Kinsey – Warriewood SLSC

Lorelle joined Warriewood Surf Life Saving Club in 1984 and gained her Bronze Medallion in 1985. Lorelle held a number of positions at Warriewood including Patrol Captain, IRB Driver, First Aid Officer for 6 years and Chief Instructor for 8 years. Lorelle holds a number of awards including her Bronze Medallion, First Aid Certificate,  Marine Radio Operators’ Certificate  and Radio Operator Silver Medallion. Lorelle was awarded Patrol Member of the Year in the 1985/86 season.

When Lorelle joined the Board of Examiners she immediately took up a position at Warringah Surf Radio facility and to date continues her duty as a Radio Operator in the same facility now known as SurfCom.  In 2010 when Surf Life Saving introduced the SurfCom Management System, Lorelle trained new operators in its use. She brought with her a lot of experience that she has gained not just within surf lifesaving over the years but also with her work through the Rural Fire Service.

During critical incidents, she competently manages the situation independently, thereby allowing the other Radio Operators to continue supporting other Clubs and Branches as necessary. Lorelle continues to provide ongoing training and support for Operators and has consistently shown herself to be a great mentor for new Operators joining the team.

Lorelle devotes considerable time and dedication to surf life saving, particularly with SurfCom.  Her qualifications and expertise is exhibited in her work. She was awarded the Harry Matthew Brown Radio Operator’s Award in 2015 and was honoured with SNB Life Membership in 2007.

Lorelle was awarded SNB Life Membership in 2007.


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