Ron Pomering

Ron Pomering – Warriewood SLSC

Ron has been a member of a number of clubs, having initially joined North Bondi in 1970 he then made the first of three transfers the first to Bronte in 1979, the second to Collaroy in 1985 and the third and final transfer to Warriewood in 2007, a club where he is still a current member and continues to be involved with all manner of surf life saving related programs. during his time with surf life saving Ron has had many interests of which one of his main focus, a passion for which he still continues today  that being  the surf boat rowing competition, a competition that Ron has been involved in both as a competitor and now as an official, Rons passion for this sport and aspect of surf life saving has played an integral part in forming and building the current surf boats community. 

He has been the Boat Referee at Battle of the Boats, Pacific Palms and many local carnivals over the years also serving as the senior starter at Branch, State and Aussie titles for over 20 years and has fantastic reputation among all boat rowers.

He has been an educator and mentor to many Officials over the years and has been a member of the Board of Examiners, now known as the Board of Surf Sports for many years.

Ron was awarded SNB Life Membership in 2016.


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