Ross Parry – Freshwater SLSC
Ross has an extensive history with Freshwater SLSC that goes all the way back to 1959 when he first joined, that is an impressive 60 plus years. With his dedication towards the club Ross has received the 25 Year National Patrol Service Award and the 50 Year Long Service Award.
Having spent so much time with the Surf Life Saving Community, Ross has been actively involved in various aspects of Club Administrative, Sporting and Governance Activities for Freshwater. Along with Gear Steward, Competition Officer/ Director Surf Sport, Life Member Panel, Member History Panel, Member Honours Panel, Club Handicapper & Sunday Morning Race Organiser, March Past Co-ordinator and Freshwater Masters Carnival Organiser.
To this day Ross is still an active member of the Freshwater March Past Team. He continues to always approach his roles with a high level of enthusiasm and commitment. This passion was also recognised by the SNB Branch who then awarded Ross with the SNB Outstanding Service Award in 2010/11.
Ross was awarded SNB Life Membership in 2018.