Simon Moriarty

Simon Moriarty – Dee Why SLSC

Simon briefly joined dee why in 1966 before taking a leave of absence from surf life saving  rejoining his club in 1988. Simon was awarded his Bronze Medallion on the 8/11/92. His involvement in Surf Life Saving spans a period of some 21 years during which he has served as a Member of the Board of Examiners for 14 years, been involved and held numerous positions within Dee Why such as  Club Committees and appointments. Simon has also held numerous Branch committee positions and is the Current chairman of Sydney Northern Beaches Rules and Constitution Committee and the Current chairman of the Surf Life Saving Act Committee. Simon has also dedicated his time at a NSW level holding the NSW president of surf life saving for 5 years and was the deputy president for a further two years.

He was awarded the Distinguished Service Award in 2001, the International Year of the Volunteer Certificate of Recognition in 2001 as well as the International Life Saving Certificate of Merit in 2001.

Simon has also served and dedicated his time as an Australian Councillor for 5 years.

Simon was awarded SNB Life Membership in 2005.


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