Thanks to all those who attended the JAC pre season session last night, It was lovely to be reacquainted with some and to meet some new people. Over the weekend I will be pulling all the information discussed together and send this out with a copy of the presentation to all Junior Activity Chairs by Tuesday.
Just a reminder about the upcoming JAC training sessions, with the first session being held next Wednesday, 18th September, 6.30 – 8.30pm.
It’s especially important for any new JACs in your Clubs to attend these sessions to ensure they are fully prepared for the season ahead. Others from your team can also attend, however can not hold the award as a proxy for the JAC.
If you are a new JACs this year, this is a session you are required to attend to receive the appropriate award.
Also atatched is the SLSSNW Junior Activity Training schedule, which includes all registration links and further details.
If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to get in touch.
Lee Auzins

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