Classroom Presentations

Beach Room Level 2: 
45 minute classroom presentation aimed at the younger students from Kindergarten to year 2. These talks cover basic information on sun and surf safety.
Beach Room Level 3:
45 minute classroom presentation aimed at school years 3 and 4 and covers personal safety and what to do in an emergency, beach awareness and sun safety.
Beach Room Level 4:
45 minute classroom presentation for school years 5 and 6 covering personal safety, unsafe behaviours, beach awareness, identifying dangers at the beach, sun safety, and surf safety
Beach Room Level 5:

45 minute classroom presentation for years 7 and up covering personal safety, unsafe behaviours, people “at risk”, beach and environmental awareness, identifying dangers at the beach, sun safety, surf safety and survival options in rips..

For more information please email Mechelle – for all further details.
These programs are available free of charge to eligible schools thanks to the support of the Northern Beaches Hospital

At your school or as part of a beach safety talk

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